Tuesday 18 November 2014

On to Week 5

Another Monday, another week begins. Having given my back a rest I thought I might try a short but sharp run. It wasn't bad at all if a bit short for where I'd hoped to be. The next day I went out with the dog again for a run. He always gives me good motivation to push on given how easily he beats me. A good hard run cross-country done and I feel a bit better about my training.

Come Wednesday I decided it was time to get back on the bike having taken a while away from it. I got a solid ride in (even if a touch slow). Being ill is always frustrating but I have to remember that it still shows for a while after in my performance.

Thursday and Friday were spent chasing around and running a few errands with my dad. As such I struggled to get useful training in (the early darkness doesn't help). We did have a lovely pub meal on the Thursday night though and I got a go at this lo-tech training bike (see below)

Come Saturday I was back home and able to get back on the bike. This time I took out Arya (my fixed-wheel bike). There are reasons why I might want to ride a fixed gear bike and as winter continues I will almost certainly get out on her more often. However, being foolish, I didn't give her a thorough service before setting off and paid the price later when it became clear I'd need to cut my session short to get her home. Lesson really driven home, always check your bike before riding (especially when she hasn't been out since July...)

On Sunday I had to help run a lot of errands and it was a very long day. By the time I was free to train my only real option was a turbo and I was far to knackered by then to ever consider that hell. I'll save that for a rainy day...

Until Next Time,


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